API Documentation

class ObjectManagerItem

A Zope object that can be contained within an Object Manager. Almost all Zope objects that can be managed through the web are Object Manager Items.

ObjectMangerItems have these instance attributes:

The title of the object.

This is an optional one-line string description of the object.

A short name for the type of the object.

This is the name that shows up in product add list for the object and is used when filtering objects by type.

This attribute is provided by the object's class and should not be changed directly.

The current web request.

This object is acquired and should not be set.

__module__ = __builtin__



Get the path of an object from the root, ignoring virtual hosts.

Always available


Return a URL for the object, relative to the site root.

If a virtual host is configured, the URL is a path relative to the virtual host's root object. Otherwise, it is the physical path. In either case, the URL does not begin with a slash.

Always available


If the title is not blank, the return the title followed by the id in parentheses. Otherwise return the id.

Always available


Return the absolute URL of the object.

This a canonical URL based on the object's physical containment path. It is affected by the virtual host configuration, if any, and can be used by external agents, such as a browser, to address the object.

If the relative argument is provided, with a true value, then the value of virtual_url_path() is returned.

Some Products incorrectly use '/'+absolute_url(1) as an absolute-path reference. This breaks in certain virtual hosting situations, and should be changed to use absolute_url_path() instead.

Always available

restrictedTraverse(path, default=None):

Return the object obtained by traversing the given path from the object on which the method was called, performing security checks along the way.

If an object is not found then the default argument will be returned.

Always available


Returns the object's id.

The id is the unique name of the object within its parent object manager. This should be a string, and can contain letters, digits, underscores, dashes, commas, and spaces.

This method replaces direct access to the id attribute.

Always available


If the title is not blank, return it, otherwise return the id.

Always available


Return the object.

This turns out to be handy in two situations. First, it provides a way to refer to an object in DTML expressions.

The second use for this is rather deep. It provides a way to acquire an object without getting the full context that it was acquired from. This is useful, for example, in cases where you are in a method of a non-item subobject of an item and you need to get the item outside of the context of the subobject.

Always available


Returns the top-level Zope Application object.

Python only


This is the web method that is called when a user selects an item in a object manager contents view or in the Zope Management navigation view.

View management screens

unrestrictedTraverse(path, default=None):

Return the object obtained by traversing the given path from the object on which the method was called. This method begins with "unrestricted" because (almost) no security checks are performed.

If an object is not found then the default argument will be returned.

Python only


Return the path portion of the absolute URL of the object.

This includes the leading slash, and can be used as an absolute-path reference as defined in RFC 2396.

Always available