API Documentation






class ZSQLMethod

ZSQLMethods abstract SQL code in Zope.

SQL Methods behave like methods of the folders they are accessed in. In particular, they can be used from other methods, like Documents, ExternalMethods, and even other SQL Methods.

Database methods support the Searchable Object Interface. Search interface wizards can be used to build user interfaces to them. They can be used in joins and unions. They provide meta-data about their input parameters and result data.

For more information, see the searchable-object interface specification.

Database methods support URL traversal to access and invoke methods on individual record objects. For example, suppose you had an employees database method that took a single argument employee_id. Suppose that employees had a service_record method (defined in a record class or acquired from a folder). The service_record method could be accessed with a URL like:


Search results are returned as Record objects. The schema of a Record objects matches the schema of the table queried in the search.

Product Constructor

manage_addZSQLMethod(id, title, connection_id, arguments, template):

Add an SQL Method to an ObjectManager.

The connection_id argument is the id of a database connection that resides in the current folder or in a folder above the current folder. The database should understand SQL.

The arguments argument is a string containing an arguments specification, as would be given in the SQL method cration form.

The template argument is a string containing the source for the SQL Template.

__module__ = __builtin__


__call__(REQUEST=None, **kw):

Call the ZSQLMethod.

The arguments to the method should be passed via keyword arguments, or in a single mapping object. If no arguments are given, and if the method was invoked through the Web, then the method will try to acquire and use the Web REQUEST object as the argument mapping.

The returned value is a sequence of record objects.

manage_edit(title, connection_id, arguments, template):

Change database method properties.

The connection_id argument is the id of a database connection that resides in the current folder or in a folder above the current folder. The database should understand SQL.

The arguments argument is a string containing an arguments specification, as would be given in the SQL method creation form.

The template argument is a string containing the source for the SQL Template.


manage_addZSQLMethod(id, title, connection_id, arguments, template):

Add an SQL Method to an ObjectManager.

The connection_id argument is the id of a database connection that resides in the current folder or in a folder above the current folder. The database should understand SQL.

The arguments argument is a string containing an arguments specification, as would be given in the SQL method cration form.

The template argument is a string containing the source for the SQL Template.